Community treasury

First, we want to thank each member of the Connect and PIXBY community for staying with us. Your support allows us to continue building great things for a better future. We are here for the long term, and everything is lining up perfectly for us to continue to grow into an autonomous community-governance project.

Connect Community treasury

As a gesture of appreciation to our community, anyone holding Rubix with a value of more than 0.5 ETH will be able to claim 0.5 CT (~55$) as a bonus for being with us. Users will claim CT after the swap from PIXBY to RBX and two presales end. 🥳

Also, 5 CTx is claimable once by each address holding Connect (CT) or Rubix (RBX) tokens in the wallet. Snapshots of holders will be taken after the presales end.

Rubix presale bonus

We will also be giving bonuses for early birds participating in the Rubix presale. Anyone contributing over 2 ETH in the first round of presale will receive 1 CT (~$110).

Let’s Recap

We want to welcome each and everyone to our new project and thank the PIXBY community for staying with us till this moment and believing in us. As a bonus, everyone gets a chance to receive a decent amount of CT and CTx tokens for being with us.



Connect Project

This blog was created to report news and updates of Connect Project.